If you have been injured in an accident that was somebody else’s fault, then it is your legal right to make a claim for financial compensation. If you are here because you are thinking about putting forward a claim, and you are wondering how the process works, below you will find everything you to know about how the personal injury claims process.
Seeking legal advice
The first stage to making a claim is to seek legal advice from uk claim lawyers. A lawyer will help you to establish your eligibility for compensation, and they will discuss your case with you to establish how strong your claim really is.
Proceeding with your claim
If after receiving legal advice you decide that making a claim is the right thing to do, doing so is very easy. Your lawyer will inform you about your Conditional Fee Agreement, otherwise known as a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement, and you will be given the chance to back out before you sign anything. Once you do sign, the legal process can begin.
The beginning of your claim
You will have an initial interview with your solicitor. A statement of events will be taken from you and any evidence you have will be collected. At this very early stage of the claims process, it is all about ascertaining the facts. These will then be backed up with evidence and by referring to the law and past cases. After your interview, your input into the accident claims process will be minimal, until 2-3 weeks into the claims process.
Medical examination
2-3 weeks into the claims process you will attend a medical examination set up by your solicitor. The aim of this examination is to ascertain the extent of your injuries, a recovery period and a prognosis for the future. Depending on the nature of your injuries, you may have to attend more than one examination, although this is limited to two at the most with most claims. A file will be created for you which will then be accessed by your solicitor.
Presenting your case
With a medical report to hand and evidence to support your personal injury claim, your solicitor will calculate a fair and proportionate settlement figure and present your case to the other side. Clear terms will be set out by your claim after the other side accepts liability, dictating when your compensation should be paid. Many cases can actually be processed in as little as 6-8 weeks from start to finish if they are clear-cut. However, the reality is that many accident claims can take several months to process, although rarely more than twelve.