What Happens When Interior Pipes Become Broken Or Misaligned?

What Happens When Interior Pipes Become Broken Or Misaligned?

If you’re reading this, then the chances are your facing draining system damage or are looking for ways to take care of your own drains to avoid the hefty bill that comes with extensive drain damage.

Well, here at London Drainage Facilities, not only are we committed to preserving the drainage systems and plumbing needs of our clients across London and beyond, but we also want to help our clients to save money without impacting the quality of service they receive.

So, let’s talk about drain repairs in London and what our services involve.

The Drain Repair Process

When pipes in the drainage system become damaged or misaligned and knocked out of place, blockages or leaks can quickly cause irreversible damage. As part of our service, we work with structural lining material which is designed to re-instate the structural integrity and stability of pipes – enabling us to manipulate and re-strengthen both straight lines of pipework and more complex curves and edges.

The materials used are a combination of Polyester resin-based felt liners and epoxy Flexi liners – with both options suited to their own array of jobs and specifications. The former is what we consider to be our patchwork option, allowing us to line the inside of damaged pipes and reinstate the barrier which holds them in place and renders them fully operational.

The latter material is a specialist solution for defective host pipes, where the high-pressure movement of water and sharp bends in the pipes themselves require a stronger material to keep water contained and to ensure that damp and unpleasant odors are not released into the surrounding property.

In both cases, the continuous length of the drain is bolstered in strength by the addition of any lining material, meaning that the flow of water is not negatively impacted and all your drains, pipes, and water facilities will continue to operate normally. However, this is only the case if you seek support and professional help quickly once you realize there’s a problem.

How To Get In Touch With London Drainage Facilities

With an assortment of services which include drain repairs and maintenance checks, our team at London Drainage Facilities can offer a fast tailored quote to clients from private residences, commercial buildings, offices, public sector organizations, and more.

Regardless of whether you have noticed significant damage in or around your water and drainage system, our team can offer you a comprehensive maintenance check and service to keep on top of any potential damage and ensure your systems are functioning correctly. Alternatively, if you require urgent help then please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

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